Friday, June 29, 2012

Norman - Eco-Warrior Extraordinaire

Not since Morris, the 9Lives cat, has there been another star with such charisma, determination of purpose and box office appeal. Norman, eco-warrior, is such a star.

Actually, Norman is the new spokescat promoting Loblaw's new sustainability program. By the end of 2013, the supermarket giant promises to sell only sustainable seafood in all their stores. In the meantime, Norman has a cause, a message and a video. Keep reading to discover the changes he has made in his life; and, then, check out his video at the bottom of the blog.

Norman the 'eco-warrior' cat may be the most environmentally-friendly cat to ever grace YouTube. He may even be more environmentally conscious than most humans.

While pondering what he could do to help the environment, Norman starts looking around the house for simple changes he can make.

Norman researches renewable energy like wind and solar.

His commitment to the environment makes him take a strict approach to energy conservation.

He even makes the switch to reusable bags. And we all know how much cats love paper and plastic bags.

Norman upcycles discarded items into cat toys, and institutes a trash sorting and recycling program in his home, among other green steps.

ALL photos are screen captures from the following video courtesy: WWF Canada.

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