Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour is Tomorrow, March 28/09

Earth Hour is just over 24 hours away now and I wish to share WWF's (World Wildlife Federation) top 25 things to do on March 28, 2009 from 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm.

Here are some ideas for how to spend the hour:

1. Attend local Earth Hour events - or organize one. Add your event, or get details on events near you at
2.Go outside and look at the stars.
3.Find a great viewing spot to see your town or city go dark at 8:30 p.m.
4.Take pictures and post them to the Earth Hour Facebook page.
5.Go for a lantern walk through a park.
6.Patronize local restaurants and businesses taking part in Earth Hour.
7.Gather your family or friends for a candle-lit dinner.
8.Meet your neighbours at a street or block party.
9.Have an acoustic music jam.
10.Talk to your children about how much electricity your family uses. Brainstorm ways to reduce it.
11.Tell ghost stories.
12.Listen to the birds, bats or other wildlife.
13.Play flashlight tag.
14.Turn your thermostat down by 1 degree. And leave it there.
15.Play Pictionary with glow-in-the-dark markers.
16.Change all your light bulbs to energy-efficient versions.
17.Have a night game of shinny with a glow-in-the-dark puck or ball (wear reflective vests).
18.Take a walk in the moonlight.
19.Have a candlelit bath.
20.Put a glow stick on your dog's collar or leash and go for a walk.
21.Toast marshmallows over a tea light candle.
22.Get out your Ouija board.
23.Have a wine or scotch tasting in the dark.
24.Get out the sleeping bags and camp out on the living room floor.
25.Make a list of ways you could reduce your energy consumption every hour of every day.

Happy Earth Hour, friends.

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